



According to the ancients, the macaw is a bird that played a crucial role in the early creation of humans. The story tells that two sisters disobeyed the men and ate the sacred food that was in the maloca, resulting in threats of expulsion from the village. Pregnant after consuming the food, the younger sister repented and submitted to the men, while the older sister rejected the patriarchy and was expelled, seeking refuge in the forest.

The younger sister gave birth to Kahpi (Ayahuasca), while the older sister gave rise to all the birds and animals we know today. Seeing their mother without shelter, all the birds, her children, plucked a feather and placed it on her, eventually forming a large maloca. The macaw was one of the birds that contributed its feathers to build their mother's home.

It represents care, love, and affection for others, as well as being a great guardian of the forest.